How ironic: to coin your project, “Fireproof”, and have it be one of the most volcanic debuts of the new year. That alone testifies to the cleverness of New York emcee, Azazel; yet, if in need of further convincing, his talent in the booth will do the job. Over beats produced by Retnik Beats, Lucid Sounds, 808Melo, Jxke, and Shakespere, among others; Azazel wears many faces. And he breathes fire from the mouth of each and every one of them as the album evolves. A fully-automatic flow ricochets throughout the intro, “Armageddon”, afore quelling into calm, yet jaw-dropping conscious hip-hop on “See You In Hell”. His Slim Shady-esque imagery and storytelling blazes atop “The FuckList”; with that rapid-fire inflection creating a quintessential closer out of the last track, “Crossroads”. In between this madness, on the other, equally impressive 9 tracks, is solid, diabolical Hip-Hop. To the bone, Azazel is a true lyricist. Throughout the project, he pens each and every word with purpose; manifesting fire-and-brimstone bars that utterly melt the mic. “Fireproof” is a prime example of the Golden Era attitude and appreciation for Rap, meeting its modern, 808-driven production. It is an extraordinary debut by the Brooklyn rapper; yet, do not let its name deceive you. You’re one play-button click away from your headphones erupting into flames.
“Fireproof” on Soundcloud